Home Automation

Touch interface for high-end residential control system. At the time, home automation systems were notoriously difficult to use. Our goal was to create a next-generation interface that was both attractive and easy to use. The finished system ran on Crestron stack, and was controlled from iOS apps. I particularly enjoyed creating the skeumorphic (pre-iOS 7) icons.

The interface was subsequently packaged as an end-to-end control solution for condos, under the name New Space Core. I rebranded the company (logo, website, etc) then created the Core marketing campaign, from copy to collateral design.

Josh Carpenter

Hello! I'm a Staff UX Designer for Google Maps, based in Vancouver, Canada. Previously I led design teams at Google and Mozilla working to bring virtual and augmented reality to the open web. Since 2019 I've been traveling and working on a series of personal projects, including an Electron-based Markdown editor and a deep dive into climate change.

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